Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Kinley started tumbling class in Minier on Monday and she LOVED it!! She is getting so big. They warmed up by jumping up and down the mat and then did some things on the balance beam and practiced somersaults. She also got to jump on the trampoline. Her cousin is in the same class so it's nice to get them together once a week. The first thing she asked when I picked her up from school last night was if she could go to gymnastics. :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Day of School

Riley started school this past Monday. We can't believe he's in 3rd Grade!!! Where has the time gone?? They even get their own lockers this year! He wasn't too excited to go back this year....we think he knows it's starting to get a little harder each year.... :) We know he will do great though!

Steinkamp Gathering

Last weekend the whole Steinkamp clan was able to get together. Unfortunatley Kinley got a stomach bug the night before so she and I couldn't make it....but I'm glad everyone else was able to get together. The kids are all getting so big!!


Riley, Edee and Jack

Ben, Riley and Jack

Little Man Jude...

Cutie pie Iggy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ozarks 2011!!

We had a great time in the Ozarks this year! Kinley was a fish just like I thought she would be and Riley loved doing all the usual things and visiting all the usual restaurants. :) There was plenty of eating, tubing, fishing and floating....just the way we like it!

Just hangin' out waiting on Grandpa to get the boat ready... Kinley was so patient and waited so well while we got ready to leave on the boat each morning. One morning she tapped me on the leg and told me "Mama...I being good little boater." So cute. She's still been asking to go on a boat ride and when we're going on "bacation" and to the "yozarks." So glad she loves the lake just like the rest of us!

Watching Riley try to ski...

Much to his dismay Riley tried skiing for the first time this year. :) He made several good attempts but didn't get up this year. He was not a fan, but gave it a good shot. Can't wait for the day he gets up and is so proud of himself! Maybe he'll be ready next year.

Snack time...

Cutie pies....

Their favorite thing to do.....

Just floating... After we are all done with the water activities for the morning we always go to the same cove to just float and visit until we decide what restaurant we're headed to for lunch. So relaxing! :)

Riley and Guy wrestling on the tube....Riley loved it. :)

Riley put up a good fight....but Guy finally got him. :)

Playin' on the beach at Captain Ron's. Kinley's first trip to the beach. :) She loved playing in the sand and building sand castles.

Kinley touching the fish she caught....ewww.....

Riley's best catch of the week!

The fisherman...

Daddy and Kinley riding the tram...

A quick attempt to get some pics of the kids....

Riley's 4th annual go kart picture....he's going to be tall enough to ride one of these days! It's going to be here before we know it. I should get the first one and compare it to now...he's getting so tall!