On Sunday we went to the Cornbelters game and it was so much fun. We had great seats right behind the Cornbelters dugout so Kinley got to roam a little and LOVED it. She was clapping and dancing the whole time. Riley got a baseball from one of the players so he thought that was pretty cool too. The kids did the bouncy houses and got their face painted. Kinley was excited to bounce, but once she got in there she only bounced on her bottom a little bit and was ready to get out. Matt asked her why she was done already and she said "I too little." We have no idea where she heard that or why she thought that. We took her to the one that was for little kids only. :)
Monday we went to the Labor Day Parade in Bloomington.....OMG...it was soooo long and there was soooo much candy!!! We ended up leaving about an hour and a half into it and I think it ended up being around 2 hours long. Yikes! :) Of course, I took the camera, but forgot my memory card.....uggg.
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