What Kinley's been up to lately..... Kinley's favorite things are still her paci and blankie. We will work on taking the paci away here shortly now that she's two. She only uses it at bedtime and is even going without for naps at daycare. She loves to use the potty and will sometimes tell you when she has to go. We'll be hitting it hard now and hopefully we'll have her trained by the holidays!
She loves to sing songs and count.... She can count very well to 11....then we kind of forget twelve. We're working on colors and shapes, we have a few of those down, but they definitely need more work.
She is still a big talker....her newest thing this week is whenever you ask her to do something she says "Okaaaaaay"....like a total teenager with annoying parents. :)
This past Thursday Kinley and I went to Walmart to pick up groceries for the party. We walked down the isle with Halloween costumes and I was asking her what she wanted to be for Halloween. I told her maybe we could find a cute kitty costume. And she looked up at me with one eye closed and said "No, me pirate...arrrrrr" And has been stuck on being a pirate ever since. I think she got it from one of her Dora DVD's where she's a pirate...but she hadn't watched that video in forever. She doesn't even know what Halloween is, but she knows she wants to be a pirate.... :)
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