Saturday, July 28, 2012

~10 months~

You are 10 months old baby boy!  And such a little ham!  :)  You're favorite thing to do right now is pull up and cruise along everything.  You have also discovered the stairs....we had no idea you were anywhere close to figuring them out until Kinley and I were upstairs at bath must have really wanted to be up there because Kinley started screaming and I came running to find you halfway up the stairs!!  Yikes!  I have a feeling you will be walking by your first birthday.  You love to let go of whatever you're holding on to and just stand there and balance and then plop on your little bottom....and then you just giggle and do it again.  You always want to be with your brother and sister wherever they are....which wasn't a problem in the Ozarks when their room was on the same you just sit in the foyer and whine to go upstairs.

You are wearing 12 and 18 months clothes and nearly out growing the 12 months.  You are still in size 4 diaper.  We are getting through our last little bit of baby food, but have moved you mainly to table food.  You have 6 teeth so we might as well.  :)  You are kind of a picky eater and have to be in the mood for whatever I give you.  You have had waffles, green beans, blueberries, noodles, graham crackers, crackers, pears, cantaloupe, pizza, chicken nuggets and cinnamon sugar toast to name a few.  Your favorites are still your yogurt bites.....if I put them on a plate with some puffs and other stuff you will pick out all the yogurt bites and then whine and swipe everything else off to the ground.  We have tried a sippy cup several will drink from it a little but mainly love to chew on it.  You have about four bottles a day and still have 2 tbs. of cereal in your bottle before bed.  

You are such a serious little guy.....whenever we go out to eat or are around other people you stare at everything and just take it all in.  You will hardly ever give anyone a smile besides Mommy, Daddy or brother and sister.  It is soooo hard to get you to smile for pictures.....luckily Riley was next to me acting wacky so you were just a barrel of laughs.....we'll need to remember to have him along for our next photo session.  :)    

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I can't wait to see the kids...Miss them! Looking forward to seeing Hudson's new tricks. I know my girls miss him terribly. Tell Kinley we'll see her in a couple weeks!
