Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Such a big boy!

Hudson is such a little man these days.....where has my baby gone??

He loved playing with sissy in the ball pit....

He loved flapping his arms around and hitting all the balls around as fast as he could....here he is in action.....
Hudson loves playing in the playroom and can often be found playing in there alone.....it's so funny to keep checking on him and see this little person just making his way around the room acting like he's done this forever.  Here he is pulling up and watching some Yo Gabba Gabba at the same time.  That show drives me crazy and I often change the channel when it  is on....but he loves it and will often watch is several minutes if he's not interrupted.
Another one of his favorite things is bothering his sister.  He's usually grabbing her markers if she's coloring or wanting whatever she's doing....most of the time she's very tolerant of him.....but other times she's not really in the mood.  :)
 I don't usually pin him in unless I'm sweeping or mopping the kitchen floor......but as you can tell he's not really a fan....he needs to have access to Mommy....  :) 
Playing kitchen....such a cutie.....

Saturday, July 28, 2012


We had a great time at the lake for our annual family vaca!  It was HOT....but each morning we still managed to get out for several rounds of tubing and skiing.  Riley loves tubing and really liked the trainer ski....he tried a few attempts at real skiing and didn't get up.  But he gave it a great shot this year...he was very close to getting up.  Kinley loved tubing and skiing as usual.  She had to go tubing alone...like Riley.....but Daddy was on the other tube right next to her.  She is still fearless....I don't think this girl will ever outgrow it!  :-)  Hudson was a great little boater.  It was hot, but there was always a good breeze blowing so he was very happy to just crawl around in the boat in the shade.  He still loved his occasional dips in the lake too.  I just realized I didn't take any pictures in the condo.....I must have been too busy enjoying the a/c and relaxing once we were indoors.

Hudson has his first taste of spaghetti at one of our favorite places at the lake....Dominico's.  He was acting so crazy that night....I'm not sure if he was super tired since we were eating pretty late that night or if he just really loved the spaghetti....here was one of his many funny faces he was making.  We were all dying laughing at him.....I think he was enjoying the attention a little too much!  :) 

~10 months~

You are 10 months old baby boy!  And such a little ham!  :)  You're favorite thing to do right now is pull up and cruise along everything.  You have also discovered the stairs....we had no idea you were anywhere close to figuring them out until Kinley and I were upstairs at bath time....you must have really wanted to be up there because Kinley started screaming and I came running to find you halfway up the stairs!!  Yikes!  I have a feeling you will be walking by your first birthday.  You love to let go of whatever you're holding on to and just stand there and balance and then plop on your little bottom....and then you just giggle and do it again.  You always want to be with your brother and sister wherever they are....which wasn't a problem in the Ozarks when their room was on the same level.....now you just sit in the foyer and whine to go upstairs.

You are wearing 12 and 18 months clothes and nearly out growing the 12 months.  You are still in size 4 diaper.  We are getting through our last little bit of baby food, but have moved you mainly to table food.  You have 6 teeth so we might as well.  :)  You are kind of a picky eater and have to be in the mood for whatever I give you.  You have had waffles, green beans, blueberries, noodles, graham crackers, crackers, pears, cantaloupe, pizza, chicken nuggets and cinnamon sugar toast to name a few.  Your favorites are still your yogurt bites.....if I put them on a plate with some puffs and other stuff you will pick out all the yogurt bites and then whine and swipe everything else off to the ground.  We have tried a sippy cup several times...you will drink from it a little but mainly love to chew on it.  You have about four bottles a day and still have 2 tbs. of cereal in your bottle before bed.  

You are such a serious little guy.....whenever we go out to eat or are around other people you stare at everything and just take it all in.  You will hardly ever give anyone a smile besides Mommy, Daddy or brother and sister.  It is soooo hard to get you to smile for pictures.....luckily Riley was next to me acting wacky so you were just a barrel of laughs.....we'll need to remember to have him along for our next photo session.  :)    

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


So I attempted to take some pictures of the little man by myself today.....uh yeah.....that's next to impossible.  Thank goodness I had this box to "trap" him in.....  :) 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Great Grandma Ginny's 92nd Birthday!

We headed down to Quincy to help Great Grandma Ginny celebrate her 92nd Birthday....here is Grandma with the kiddos. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

State Farm Park

Kinley has been dying to go to State Farm Park this summer.  We pass it every day on our way into town and I always explain to her that we can't go without Grandpa....so he can let us in.  We finally found a day that worked for all of us and boy did the kids have fun.  They have things for all ages and Hudson LOVED the zero depth part of the pool....he was crawling and splashing all over the place.  Kinley has asked to go there again nearly every day since.  Uncle Blake, Grandma and Grandpa all joined us....what a fun way to spend the evening! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rides & Duckies

Kinley has been talking about the 4th of July for over a month now.  She wanted to go ride rides with Audrey and do the ducky game like she did last year.  You would have never known it was 100 degrees outside....she loved every minute of it!  :) 

 Even Hadley got to get in on a little of the action....
 This roller coaster was new this year....the girls were not real sure about it at the beginning....at all....  It was pretty fast moving for them at least and pretty jerky.  They also went backwards for a while....
 By the end of the ride they were mostly all smiles though....but they were OK not to ride it again.  :-) 
 Hudson and his first carousel ride....this was before it was going....he thought he was pretty big stuff.  When it started he wasn't sure what to think but by the end he was smiling and wiggling with excitement.  :) 

 I feel like Kinley is so grown up sometimes....but I love how little they look here.....such cuties....
 Picking their ducks and getting their "surprise".....Kinley was so excited to do this game she had to do it twice.  And I'm sure we'll be back next year..... :)
 And we had to do the big slide twice too.....once with Mommy and once with Daddy....this was another ride that was talked about all year long.....so she was very excited to get to do it again.
Such a fun time with great friends and cute little girls!  :)  

Monday, July 2, 2012

~Firsts at the Lake~

There were a lot of firsts for a quick trip to the lake this weekend.....   This was Hudson's first time to the lake....and he was such a good water baby!  :)  Kinley also tried waterskiing for the first time and loved it!  It was HOT, but there was always a pretty nice breeze on the lake so if you were in the shade or water it was actually pretty comfortable.  Hudson loved crawling around in the shade on the pontoon boat.  And Kinley loved showing him around the "Yozarks"....she was a great big sister.

Hudson's first time on the boat.....he's happy and clapping so that's a good sign!  :) 

 Cutie pie.....
 All suited up for his first float in the lake.  He was not a fan of the sunglasses....but kept all of it on once he could splash in the lake...
 Our little waterskier!!!!  She had so much fun and looked so little out there!  Other boats were clapping for her and taking pictures....so she thought she was pretty big stuff!  :)  She skied every morning we were there.  This trainer ski is perfect for little ones learning to ski.  There is a board with places for their feet just like a ski under that inflatable part.

 Just floatin'.....
 Hangin' by the pool.....