Kinley LOVES to go off the diving board....and asks when she can go off the diving board even when we are not swimming. She's such a little fish. I'm so glad she loves the water....but she's almost too fearless! :)
Last night she walked to the end of the diving board and did a "twist"....and preceded to tell us that she can do a "twist" because that is what Riley does. She jumped way too close to the diving board when she did this so she had us all worried. We had to explain to her she can't do a "twist" until she is 8 years old, and "twists" are not for 2 year olds. She said, "Mama, kids can do twists"......uggg....so sassy. But so far she hasn't done it again....we'll see. :)
I can't wait to take her to the lake!! I hope she likes it as much as the pool!
Riley showing all of his moves......
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