Now that she's nearly nine and a half months....thought I would share Kinley's nine month stats! :)
Height: 27 inches (30%)
Weight: 19.3 (55%)
Head Circ.: 173/4 (80%)
She is such a chubby, happy little thing! She got her first tooth on the day she turned 9 months...and two more followed very quickly. She has two on the bottom and one of the top middle ones poking through. She has mastered the army crawl and likes to get into anything she's not supposed to...some of her favorites are shoes and shoe laces, crumbs off the floor, and electrical cords....we will be baby proofing very quickly around here. One of her newest tricks is to throw mini soon as she's getting near something she's not supposed to have and I start walking her way....her little arms and legs start kicking in all directions and the screaming/screeching begins! When can I start giving time outs??!! :) Her favs are still puffs, meal time, paci, blankie and brother. Tempertantrums aside, we just love her to pieces and can't get enough of her!! I can't believe she's already over nine months old! 

Two Teef!!
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