Hudson you are 8 months old today!! You are growing up way too fast!
You are sooo happy that you can crawl love following sissy around or being right at my feet while I'm in the kitchen. You are so happy as long as I'm in sight. You are such a Mama's Boy.....but I'm not complaining!! :) You love to get up all the way on your feet in a bear crawl position and think you are so cool. I think you think you are walking. :) I'm guessing you're going to be walking before we know it.
You are eating three meals a have some fruit and cereal for breakfast, a 2nd stage fruit and a veggie for lunch and another fruit and veggie for dinner. You love your baby food!! You like a bottle every so often, but would much rather be eating solid foods. You have a 6 oz. bottle when you wake up in the morning another one around lunch time and sometimes one in the afternoon....then you usually don't have another bottle with cereal in it before bed. You are ready for your bottle and bed around 8:15 pretty much ever single night....there isn't much holding you off or changing up your schedule. You sleep all night long and wake up anywhere from 5:30 until 6:30....usually closer to 6:00 or 6:30.
You are wearing size 12 or 18 month clothes....really more 18 months....I'm just trying to get a little more wear out of your 12 months outfits...but we are cutting it close. :) You are still wearing size 4 diaper...but I was thinking just the other day we might be able to move you to size 5.
You LOVE to laugh....and are always laughing at your sister. Sometimes she's not even paying attention to you or doing anything funny....and you just crack up. You're pretty good at the fake laugh too. :)
You're quite the little talker lately....always jabbering and saying mama and dada....but you don't know what you're saying yet. In the past couple days you have really been making funny're favorite lately is a monster type growling noise. And one of your favorite noises to make is grinding your teeth!!
You have two teeth on the bottom and about two weeks later you got your two top teeth. I think another one will be coming in on top here in the next couple of days....
You're getting so big so fast little boy......slow down!!! We love you to pieces!! :)
Here you are in the middle of your fake laugh.... :)