Halloween shirts... :)
Monday, October 31, 2011
1 Month...
I can't believe my little buddy turned 1 month old last Wednesday. Time is already flying by!
He has officially outgrown newborn size diapers and is in size one. He is also about ready to outgrow his newborn outfits. I've put a couple 0-3 month things on him already. He eats around 3 to 4 oz. every 2 to 3 hours. He loves to eat just like his sister! We go to bed around 10:30 or 11:00 and he sleeps until about 2:00...and then he's ready to eat again. :) He gets up again around 5:00 or 6:00. So he's a pretty good little sleeper. He has started to be a lot more alert lately and is starting to be awake for a few hours at a time. He likes watching his crazy big brother and sister. :) They still love having him around and are loving on him constantly.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Just an update from our house....we haven't been doing much besides feeding the baby and changing diapers....but we've managed to find some time for crafts, tumbling and feeding baby dolls.
Kinley got her first leotard for tumbling and she thought she was big stuff! She had to do some twirls for me too. :)
Kinley LOVES to do crafts....so I found some Halloween crafts in the basement....she was in heaven.
Kinley officially is at the age where she wants everything she sees on TV. Every commercial we hear "I want that." Well one day there was a commercial for Baby Alive and of course she wanted it. Lucky for her Mom had a Baby Alive from many years go in the basement...and I even still had some food for her. Kinley loved to feed her her food and her bottle.
I picked up new footy pajamas for Kinley the other day....she wanted me to take a picture of her and brother because they both had their footy jammies on. Too cute. :) I will have to update this picture once I get Riley some footy jams too. I hadn't gotten any for him yet this year wondering if he might think they were too babyish. Well when I asked him if he needed them this year he looked at me and said "Uh...yeah." Like why did I even have to ask....so I'll be making a trip to Target soon. :) Silly me.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Lookin' Around...
We're Home!!
We brought little Hudson home last Wednesday Oct 5th. We are so happy to have him home! He's adjusted great so far. He usually sleeps from about 10:30 to 2:30 or 3:00 and last night he slept until almost 5:00 this morning! He's definitely spoiling us with great nights...I hope he keeps it up!
Big Brother and Big Sister :)
Getting ready to leave the hospital...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Day 7 & 8
Hudson has been doing great and making progress everyday! We were supposed to be able to bring him home today, but he failed his car seat test. There was one 20 second interval during the test where they think he might have dropped his stats a little lower than they would like. He was wiggling around a lot at several different points so they think that it may not have been reading correctly, but they wanted to play it safe. And we're OK with that. :) I want to make sure he is completely ready to come home and so glad they are taking their time with him.
He no longer has his IV and is only hooked up to a few leads on his belly tracking his stats...it's been so nice only having a few wires attached to him. Now that he's mostly wire free Matt and I have been able to take his temp, change his diapers, and feed him. He loves to cuddle....and I'm so ready to cuddle with him here at home.
I hope he passes his test tonight....we are all ready to bring him home!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011
Day 6...no more canula!!
Hudson continues to make great progress! They moved his canula down from a 2 to a 1 this morning....and by 3:00 this afternoon the whole thing was off his face! :) So happy for the little guy. He kept pulling the line right out of his nose....and now he looks so much more comfortable.
Hudson is still loving to eat! He was eating 16 ml early this morning and by tonight he was eating 32 ml bottles. He has lost just a little weight since birth, but I have a feeling if he keeps eating this way it's not going to take long for him to start gaining again. :)
The Dr. was very impressed with how he is doing and said if he continues to behave we can bring him home soon. Yippeee!!!
Hudson had a lot of visitors today and I think he loved all the attention. He was awake and had his eyes open to meet all of them. Grandma and Grandpa Nafziger brought Kinley and Great Gram up to see him. Then later in the afternoon Holly and Tim brought Gee Pa and Gee Gee up to visit. Gee Pa and Gee Gee were very happy to see him up close, they had thought they would only be seeing him through a window. While they were there Hudson decided he couldn't wait any longer to eat so they even got to see him chow down. They were pretty impressed. :)
Matt and I both came home tonight for the first night since he was born. Very hard to leave the little guy, but I definitely need some sleep if we're going to be able to bring the little man home soon! The last several nights we've been a little short on sleep....but so glad he's doing better and now we can rest!

Hudson is still loving to eat! He was eating 16 ml early this morning and by tonight he was eating 32 ml bottles. He has lost just a little weight since birth, but I have a feeling if he keeps eating this way it's not going to take long for him to start gaining again. :)
The Dr. was very impressed with how he is doing and said if he continues to behave we can bring him home soon. Yippeee!!!
Hudson had a lot of visitors today and I think he loved all the attention. He was awake and had his eyes open to meet all of them. Grandma and Grandpa Nafziger brought Kinley and Great Gram up to see him. Then later in the afternoon Holly and Tim brought Gee Pa and Gee Gee up to visit. Gee Pa and Gee Gee were very happy to see him up close, they had thought they would only be seeing him through a window. While they were there Hudson decided he couldn't wait any longer to eat so they even got to see him chow down. They were pretty impressed. :)
Matt and I both came home tonight for the first night since he was born. Very hard to leave the little guy, but I definitely need some sleep if we're going to be able to bring the little man home soon! The last several nights we've been a little short on sleep....but so glad he's doing better and now we can rest!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Day 5...No more mask!!
No more mask! Our little guy is moving right along. He is now on a nasal canula instead of his CPAP mask. The nasal canula provides a little less pressure so we're seeing how his lungs are holding up. They switched him over around 4:00 today and he's been doing great. The canula has three levels, 1,2 and 3. When they moved him from the CPAP they moved him straight to level 2 and if he behaves he can move down to one and then zero!
Now that the mask is off we even get to hold him! He has also started nippling and no longer has the little feeding tube in his mouth....he did not like it and kept ripping it out....so good thing he's doing great with the bottle. He's up to eating 11 ml every three hours....and will start 16 ml at 11:00 tonight. He's ready for more....when I finished giving him his bottle at 8:30 he was still moving his head all around looking for more. :) I think he's going to be an eater just like his sister!!!

Now that the mask is off we even get to hold him! He has also started nippling and no longer has the little feeding tube in his mouth....he did not like it and kept ripping it out....so good thing he's doing great with the bottle. He's up to eating 11 ml every three hours....and will start 16 ml at 11:00 tonight. He's ready for more....when I finished giving him his bottle at 8:30 he was still moving his head all around looking for more. :) I think he's going to be an eater just like his sister!!!
Hudson Matthew
Hudson Matthew was born on Wednesday September 28 at 8:00 pm. He decided to come three weeks early just like his big sister. :) My water broke at 2:15 and he was here shortly after. Both of my kids have spoiled me with very easy labors.....I owe them. :)
His lungs were a little under developed since he was born so early which is very common with premature white little boys. His chest was retracting when he was breathing and he was breathing a little faster than the Dr's would like. After he was born he had a small dome type thing over his head that oxygen and a little humidity was pumped into. His oxygen levels ranged from 21% to 30% over the night and room air is 21% oxygen. So he wasn't needing a lot more, but just enough to help ease his breathing a little. He was under the hood until around midnight on the 29th and then the Dr's decided to move him over to Children's in Peoria. The Dr's at St. Joseph's thought they would pump some medicine into his lungs right when we got over here as that is what they do to most babies with the same condition. However, since Hudson's case wasn't very serious they still kept him under the hood for at least an hour or so after we arrived here at Children's. So Matt and I were relieved that they were taking their time with him and weren't rushing to start any new treatments....it helped us realize his condition was pretty mild.
Around 3:30 am they decided to put a CPAP mask on him instead of the dome. The CPAP would provide him a little more pressure to help keep the air sacs in his lungs open and ease his breathing. They set his oxy level at 32% and set the pressure at a 6. He seemed so much more relaxed and started doing better very quickly. We were so happy to see his little tummy start to slow down so he could get a some rest.
By around noon he was down to room air (21%) oxygen and on the lowest pressure setting on the CPAP machine. Great news!! :)
He still has the CPAP mask on today, but they plan on moving him to a nasal canula, which provides even less pressure, either today or tomorrow. Very excited to see how he does when they move him down....another step closer to bringing our little guy home! They got him dressed and swaddled today too.....so nice to see him all cozy. He's just been sleeping away. :)
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