Kinley is 20 months today! I can't believe it, we'll be planning her 2nd Birthday Party before you know it! :(
Kinley is quite the little talker these days. You can often find her at the window saying bunny, birdie, sunny, rainy. She also loves to say "okay" and "yeah," I guess she has officially turned into a teenager and can no longer say "yes." The last couple weeks she started the "why" for everything you say, so far that one hasn't made much of an apperance this week....which is nice. :) She has also started to put together two or more words. She has her own version of "whatcha doin" and a few others....I'm drawing a blank. Whenever I'm in the kitchen she's usually not far behind saying "peece" (please)...for more food of course. She hasn't slowed down on the all! She is a great little eater and eats everything. I seriously can't think of anything that I've fed her that she's left on the plate! I really hope she keeps this up! No picky eaters please! :)
Kinley also LOVES music and to dance. Most mornings involve at least several songs from her Little People CD on the way to daycare. Her eyes light up as soon as she hears it and is then singing along to every song with a big smile on her face. Such a cutie!
Kinley's favorite things are still her pacifier and blankie. She usually just has her paci at naps and during bedtime, but her molars have been bothering her quite a bit so she's definitely had it a little more here lately. Poor thing! I can't wait until this teething thing is over!
Here are some pictures from the last month or so.
All dressed up for Mother's Day

watching TV in her wagon
Snackin' on strawberries
Windy Easter Day...