Wednesday, March 18, 2009

6 months...

Kinley had her 6 month appointment yesterday. She's doing great! Hitting all her milestones and quite the social butterfly. She is so smiley and talking all the time. She was 25 1/2 inches and 18 lbs. 5 oz....48% and 88%. She still loves her baby food and bottle and doesn't miss a meal!! She is rolling over all the time and is all over the place. We were working with her this weekend on sitting up and she was completely fascinated with her feet. She was moving them and just staring at them and occasionally would grab at them...too cute. :)

Riley is with us for his Spring Break this week and I think Kinley is in heaven. She doesn't take her eyes off him and is always talking to him. (I think big brother loves it just as much as Kinley) :) He had her belly laughing this cute!!